God's Covenant

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Our fall series Exodus & Exile: God in the Wilderness takes us back to the Old Testament, where we explore the two themes of “Exodus” and “Exile” throughout the book of Exodus and beyond.

This week we looked at Exodus chapter 19, in which God gave Moses the ten commandments and made a covenant with his people, which ultimately showed how much he loves us.

Manna and Quail

Our fall series Exodus & Exile: God in the Wilderness takes us back to the Old Testament, where we explore the two themes of “Exodus” and “Exile” throughout the book of Exodus and beyond.

This week we looked at Exodus chapter 16, in which God provided manna and quail for the Israelites in the desert, and how this can teach us about God’s provision in our own lives today.

Take Off Your Shoes

Our fall series Exodus & Exile: God in the Wilderness takes us back to the Old Testament, where we explore the two themes of “Exodus” and “Exile” throughout the book of Exodus and beyond. This week we had a special guest speaker, Pastor Emmanuel Kassa, from Fountain of Hope Community Church, who brought us his unique perspective as he spoke on selected sections from Exodus.


This week we started up our new series entitled Exodus & Exile: God in the Wilderness in which we explore these themes throughout the book of Exodus. This week we studied Exodus chapter 1 – 2:10.


We are taking a brief break between sermon series, so today we heard a word from Philip who spoke on Philippians 1:10-17.

Paul in Rome

This Sunday we wrapped up our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which took us through the book of Acts as we followed the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 28:11-31, in which we hear of Paul finally getting to Rome and proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about Jesus.

Paul Arrested in Jerusalem

We almost finished with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 21:37 to 22:24, in which we heard about Paul returns to Jerusalem, gets arrested, and addressed a crowd of Jews by telling them his story.

Paul in Athens

We almost finished with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 17, in which we heard about Paul speaking to the Athenians about how they felt about religion, and challenging them and us with thoughts about what is important and about commonalities and differences of different religious and cultural systems.

Paul in Macedonia

We are continuing on with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 16, in which we heard about Paul being called to Macedonia.

Peter Called to the Gentiles

We are continuing on with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 10, in which we heard Mark talk about Peter’s vision in which God told him that they were to be witnesses to all nations, and how that still applies to us today.

Saul's Conversion

We are a continuing on with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus.

This week we looked at Acts 9, in which we hear about Saul’s miraculous encounter with Jesus and his subsequent conversion from killer to apostle. This Sunday Daniel led us in a group conversation format, so it was a little different but ended up being a very interesting discussion!

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

We are a continuing on with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus. This week we looked at Acts 8 in which we hear about Philip’s incredible encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch.


We are a continuing on with our summer sermon series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus. This week we looked at Acts 6-7 in which we hear about the work, words, and death of Stephen and how he was turned from ordinary to extra-ordinary by the Spirit.

hiding and pretending

We are a continuing on with our new series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus. This week we looked at Acts 5:1-11 in which we hear about the story of Ananias and Sapphira.

rise up and walk

We are a continuing on with our new series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus. This week we looked at Acts 3-4 in which Peter & John heal a man who can’t walk.

life together

We are a continuing on with our new series entitled “Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit”, which takes us through the book of Acts as we follow the early Christians learning what it means to follow Jesus. This week we looked at how the first Christians were trying to figure out how to do life together from Acts 2:42-47.

fire and the spirit

We are a couple weeks in on a new series that will take us through the book of Acts and follow the early Christians. This week Mark explains the title of the series (Praxis: A Community Filled with the Spirit) as we hear about the story of Pentecost from Acts 2:1-41. The word “praxis” is the Greek name of the book of Acts, and it means “action”. The book of Acts is where we hear about the people of God learning how to follow the Spirit.


We are starting up a new series that will take us through the book of Acts and follow the early Christians. This week Mark introduces the book with Acts 1:1-11 and compares what the early Christians witnessed while they were on earth with Jesus with what we ourselves have witnessed in our spiritual journeys.

the road to emmaus

From January to April we have been reading through the book of Luke together. This Sunday we read through the last section in Luke, the second half of chapter 24.

In today’s message Mark talked on the story of the Road to Emmaus from the Luke 24:13-35, the story from which we get the name of our church.

He is Risen!

From January to April we are reading through the book of Luke together. On this Easter Sunday, the reading section was chapter 24 verses 1-12.

In today’s message Mark shared the Easter message from the beginning of Luke 24, in which we hear about the women who were the first to discover that Jesus was not in the tomb.